How Much Sugar is in Cider?

Tom Bell
How Much Sugar is in Cider?

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Considered by many to be the ultimate summer drink, it really is hard to beat a nice cold cider on a hot day. Often synonymous with festivals and other outdoor events, you would be hard-pressed to find someone who won’t enjoy a glass of cider- especially as the UK has the world's highest consumption per capita, as well as being home to the world’s largest cider-producing companies. But with summer edging closer, and the days getting warmer, you may be starting to wonder just how much sugar is in cider, and how much it will impact your waistline.

So, how much sugar is in cider? On average, one pint of 4.5% ABV cider will contain around 210 calories. However, there is no definitive answer to this question as the calories in cider will vary depending on the production and the cider you are drinking.

Keep reading to learn how much sugar is in your favourite cider, and to find some low-sugar cider alternatives.

How Much Sugar is in Cider?

On average, one pint of 4.5% ABV cider will contain around 210 calories, though the true figure could be much higher or lower than this depending on the particular brand you are drinking. Due to the sugar content varying so widely between brands, which depends on the fermentation process used, it is difficult to give an average sugar content. To give you a better idea, we have compiled the below list of sugar content in some popular brands of cider.


Sugar (per pint)



Stowford press


Thatchers Gold 


Scrumpy Jack


Aspall Premier


Stella Artois 




Somersby Apple


Bulmers Original 


Fruit flavoured ciders have become increasingly popular in recent years, with a variety of sweet and fruity options now on offer. However, it's not going to come as a surprise to anyone who has ever tasted sweet fruit flavoured ciders that tend to contain large amounts of sugar. For example, a pint of Rekorderlig Wild Berries will contain a staggering 48g of sugar, which is more sugar than you would find in a can of coke, and almost double the amount in a Creme Egg!

Where Does the Sugar in Cider Come From?

The fruit used to make cider is naturally high in sugar, which is why cider is higher in sugar than beer. As part of the brewing process, yeast is added to the juice to begin fermentation. The method used in the fermentation process generally dictates how much sugar is in the cider. For example, for a dry cider, the yeast is left to consume nearly all of the sugar in the juice, converting it to alcohol, resulting in a less sweet cider with a higher ABV. On the other hand, where a sweet cider is desired, the juice is strained to remove the yeast meaning more sugar is left in the cider.

Some cider makers even add sugar to the mix to appeal to the sweet-toothed drinkers among us. However, It’s not only cider which contains an average high-calorie count lots of other alcoholic beverages share this same characteristic. If you want to find out more about the calories in your drink of choice why not check out our series of blogs on wine, gin and beer where we discussed this in more detail? 

Is It Possible to Get Low Sugar Cider?

The good news is that it is indeed very possible to get low-sugar cider - you don’t have to pick a sugar-packed sweet cider if you don’t want to. As already mentioned, dry ciders tend to have much less sugar so in the absence of good nutritional labelling your best bet is to pick a dry cider if you are looking to cut back on sugar. Additionally, some cider makers are now specifically producing low-sugar cider.

DrinkWell is pleased to bring to you Alska 28, a delicious cider which is low on calories without compromising on flavour. A refreshingly light and fruity serve, we offer Alska 28 in two sublime flavours,  Passionfruit Peach & Mango and Blood Orange and Raspberry

Packing the fruity punch and at 4% ABV you compromise nothing in strength or flavour. Alska 28 contains only 28 Calories per 100ml serving. Additionally, these drinks save you 50% on Calories and 90% on Sugar compared to any Kopparberg and Strongbow product. 

Get ready for your next party and order a case of 12x250ml cans from the Drink Well website for just £39.99.

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